The only equipment proven to help protect the brain.
Start Your PurchaseFSA/HSA-Eligible As a FDA-authorized Class II device proven to help protect athletes’ brains, the Q-Collar is eligible for FSA/HSA spending plans.

based on independent clinical research using MRI brain scans by Cincinnati Children's Hospital comparing Collared and non-Collared athletes.

Top research institutions conducted extensive research on the Q-Collar, proving that wearing the Q-Collar can safely help protect the brain from injury during head impacts. This innovative solution may address a growing concern over the prevalence of brain injuries among athletes and soldiers.
For anyone at risk of head impacts, we've got you covered.
On the sports field or battlefield, the Q-Collar is protective gear specifically designed to help safeguard the brain. While a helmet protects the skull from the outside, the Q-Collar gives an added layer of protection on the inside by limiting brain movement.

“I’m thankful I had the chance to wear the Q-Collar and only wish I had technology like this when I was younger. It’s an added layer of protection for athletes in every practice and every game.”
Vernon Davis
Retired NFL Tight End